Tuesday 31 December 2013

Robber Hands Back Flip Phone To Victim, Says It’s Old School


In New York City, even the muggers have attitudes…

During a robbery over the weekend in Central Park, a mugger was so disappointed with his victim’s flip phone that he handed it back.

Two gun-toting robbers held up 25-year-old Kevin Cook and his friend, and got away with a briefcase, a cellphone, and a wallet containing $114 in cash.

However, Cook was able to keep his flip phone.

“Once he saw my phone, he looked at it like, ‘What the [expletive] is this?’ and gave it back to me,” Cook said. “It’s like a 3-year-old generation Windows phone. I guess he didn’t think he could get anything for it. It’s kind of humorous.”

After the mugger handed back the phone, Cook put it to good use.

“He handed it back to me and a minute later I was able to call 911 and get the whole thing started,” Cook said. “It’s like, finally a pro for having something out of date.”

Police are still on the lookout for the two robbers.

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