Sunday 17 November 2013

How A Man Can Be Defiled

There are three ways women can rapé men.
Adult women can and do commit statutory rapé
against underage boys. When this phenomenon
first came to light with a female high school
teacher and an underage male student, it was
shocking and I think many people assumed
such a thing was freakishly rare.
Subsequently, a number of such cases have been
publicized suggesting this kind of occurrence is not
nearly as freakishly uncommon as many believed.
As with men and underage girls, the complicity of
the victim does not alter the criminality of the act.
The second way women can rapé men is through
unwilling (anál or orál) penetration of men with
fingers or objects. (I don’t know if unwilling orál
pénetration is always treated as rapé in law.)
Finally, a woman can rapé a man through coércing
them to pénetrate the woman with an eréct pénis.
Though it is not easy to ‘will’ an erection, it’s not
always impossible, either. Men, like women, can
become physically ároused despite not actually
wanting to have séx with someone. This may occur
in response to physical mánipulation or other
reasons. Coércion need not be through physical
force, obviously; a man can be blackmailed into
having séx (as one commenter described his own
victimization here).

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