Saturday, 28 December 2013

Advice : Just Discovered I Have A 9 Year Old Daughter


Culled From Nland
I once had a relationship with a lady while in university. Before I could come back from one sessional holiday, She has welshed on me. Unfortunately, communication gadgets weren’t a common place at the time. However, I got in touch with her close friend who said she has decided to drop-out of school and move to settle with family in another region of Nigeria away from mine.
I couldn’t get any immediate information from her said friend on why my girlfriend will take such decision without letting me in. I had no choice than to move on.
Fast-forward to 8+ later: I happened upon her friend and we shared warm pleasantry and memories. Before she bade me well, she left a sour pill in my mouth. She innocently/cunningly threw in that I have a daughter from her friend(my ex). I asked to stop it once if that was meant to be a joke. She said she was saying the truth but won’t discuss it any further if I wasn’t keen about it. By this time, I was both furious and disinterested and eventually called her bluff.
A year later after that meeting, her word kept ringing on my heart and I somewhat was able to get her number to call her about what she told me. To my greatest surprise, she confirmed it and has connected me with her friend who is now married. I have seen the baby girl on facebook. She looks exactly like me! But I am also married now.
So, how do I start telling my family and my wife especially? My wife doesn’t look like anyone that will take the news calmly.

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