Tuesday, 20 August 2013

wwe summerslam news

24 hours later and the sting of Triple H’s betrayal of Daniel Bryan still pains the entire state of California, but none more so, it would seem, than John Cena. In what will likely be his last address to the WWE Universe before he undergoes surgery and a 4-6 month recovery to repair a torn triceps (hence the elbow ), the battle-torn Cenation leader proclaimed Bryan – who beat him fair and square at SummerSlam – as the true WWE Champion and condemned Triple H for the Pedigree that allowed Randy Orton to cash in his Money in the Bank contract on the unconscious submission expert. Watch: Cena endorses Bryan | The Beard meets The Queen Accepting the mic (and spotlight) from Cena, though, Bryan didn’t get to speak before he was once again robbed of his moment by a McMahon – in this case, Stephanie. But despite her justification that Triple H was doing what was “best for business,” Bryan wasn’t buyin’ what The Billion Dollar Princess was selling and swatted the mic from her manicured hands. Refusing to be “intimidated,” Stephanie called arena security into the ring and had Bryan escorted from the building.

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