Sunday 6 July 2014

MTO: Man arrested for his grandmother and uncle

Stay prayed up people . . . cause the END OF DAYS is right around the corner. Why do we say this? Because yesterday a Portland, OR man was accused of se.xually assaulting his 82-year-old grandmother and 49-year-old uncle.
According to police, Willie Andre Johnson, 34, is a registered se.x offender who had been previously convicted of rape. The police explained, “He came in and attacked his grandmother in bed and then went and attacked his uncle.”

The ANIMAL allegedly physically ra.ped his grandmother, and attempted to r.ape his uncle. But his uncle managed to FIGHT HIM OFF in the middle of the attack. Police explained, “The uncle was more physically able to fight back and get him out of the house.”
The COWARD ran off but was captured by police and charged with Attempt R.ape in the First Degree, Unlawful Se.xual Penetration in the First Degree, S.ex Abuse in the First Degree (two counts), Kidnapping in the First Degree, and Assault in the Fourth Degree (Domestic Violence).
His grandmother was treated at the hospital for non-life-threatening injuries. Both she and the uncle are said to be physically OK.
Culled from MediaTakeOut

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