Saturday 5 July 2014

Another Bomb Blast In Borno State: Five Persons Killed

Five persons, including a police officer, were yesterday killed in a bomb explosion in Konduga village, about 30 kilometres from the Borno State capital of Maiduguri, with 10 others injured.
Sources said that an Improvised Explosive Device that appeared to have been planted in firewood in a pick-up van, exploded near a security check point in Konduga, in Konduga Local Government Area.
Modu Ban'a, a resident who spoke to our reporter by phone, said that at least five people died in the attack, and that scores were injured.
"The pickup van had approached the check point at noon and as the local security operatives tried to frisk the car before allowing it to pass, the driver who was on a suicide mission detonated the explosive device that killed five persons among who was a plain clothe police officer from the Criminal Investigation Bureau," a source said.
It will be recalled that a bomb explosion hits Maiduguri’s Monday market last Tuesday that killing at least 50 people and injuring several others.

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