Tuesday 19 November 2013

Photo – Woman had two Teeth Removed from her left Eye by doctors after 23 years

In what seemed like an unbelievable event, doctors
had their hands full in addition to their already
dazed minds .Doctors operating on a tumour in
Nagabhushanam Siva’s left eye were stunned to
find the two fully-formed teeth embedded inside.
When asked, the 23year old said: “I was born with
an abnormal left eye and it continued to swell over
the years. My family was too scared to send me to
see a doctor and during the last few years it has
grown much bigger. I had blurred vision so
eventually I consulted a doctor for help.”
Teratoma was the diagnosis that was given
to Nagabhushanam by doctors at a government
hospital in Chennai, southern India. The tumour had
pushed her eye inside its socket and protruded the
skin, blocking her vision and partially damaging the
optic nerve. The growth also left her unable to
move her eyeball and had developed lazy eye
Doctors said they had seen a few past cases of
Teratoma with tooth-like tissues embedded in the
tumour, but fully formed teeth were very rare.
Hospital Director, Dr K Vasantha, said: “A Teratoma
is a mass of tissue that contains cysts and
sometimes contains hard tissues but fully grown
teeth is so very rare.”
The removal of the tumour caused severe damage
to Nagabhushanam’s optic nerve which has
tragically left her permanently blind.
“Because it was left untreated all these years the
tumour was allowed to grow to extraordinary
lengths. That resulted in the optic nerve damage,”
Dr Vasantha added.
Orbital Teratomas are rare embryonic tumors
composed of tissues that grow in the attempt to
form an organ. The first case of this condition was
reported 149 years ago. Only 70 such cases have
been found worldwide ever since.

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