Friday 29 November 2013

Make Your Nails Shine Strongly with Silica

Weak, brittle and dull nails tend to be more
commonplace as we age, but in fact they are not
something to be merely accepted, or treated
externally with harsh chemicals.  Even natural
treatments applied externally will do little more
than cosmetically treat a condition that is actually a
symptom of an underlying nutritional deficiency.
That deficiency is a lack of silica.  Silica, or silicon, is
a natural non-metallic element critical for
supporting polysaccharides structures like hair, skin
and nails, as well as serving as the key components
to bone density.  In fact, David Wolfe, a leading
nutritionist, has helped pioneer research that
proves that silica, not calcium, is the nutrient
needed for bone density in combination with
magnesium, which explains the seeming paradox
that while the US is one of the top two consumers
of calcium in supplement and dairy forms, it also
suffers one of the top two highest rates of
Silica is most highly concentrated in several natural
substances.  The most readily available ones are
alfalfa grass, horsetail (a plant), and oat straw, and
to a much lesser extent, in brown rice.  You can
take it supplement form, for example with oat
straw extracts, in teas like horsetail tea, or with
silica isolate products.
They are generally all effective, and significant
improvement in shine and strength in your nails can
show in as little as one and a half to two weeks—
while nails appear detached from the nutritional
intake of your body once they’ve grown out, as hair
seems to be, in fact the silica you take now feeds
into your existent nails, resulting in remarkable
improvements in a very short time.  Once you see
the strength your nails have and the radiance they
exude from real nutritional nourishment, you’ll see
you can make brittle, dull nails a thing of the past

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