Thursday 14 November 2013

Mafia are considering assassinating the Pope in response to his anti- corruption sermons, warns leading Italian prosecutor

Since Pope Francis took office in
April he has made clear he
intends to rid the Holy See of
He has already forced his own
number two Cardinal Bertone into
retirement after he was accused
of retirement
In one of his first sermons as
Pope he took aim at mafia calling
on them to repent for 'exploiting
and enslaving people'
Calabrian Ndrangheta is
concerned by Pope Francis's
crusade against corruption
The Mafia are considering a lethal strike
on Pope Francis, a senior prosecutor in
Italy's crime-torn deep South has
The pontiff's life is in danger because his
desire to sweep away corruption in 'a
total clean-up' is making organised
criminal groups 'nervous', the deputy
chief prosecutor of Reggio Calabria,
Nicola Gratteri, claimed.

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