Wednesday 20 November 2013

inc*st: Singer Diamond Admits Having Séx With His Blood Sister

Word coming from Tanzania has it that Diamond who is currently in relationship with radio presenter Penny are related and worst by blood.

The news has been do doing rounds on major blocks sending shock waves amongst many. The two have maintained a relationship despite claims that diamond would get back with his ex Wema Sepetu.

Diamond’s grandmother and Penny’s grandmother happen to share the same mother,complicated as it sounds but technically according to the Tanzanians,these people are related and bound by blood like a brother and a sister.
When contacted, Diamond who is in Nigeria currently recording a song with Davido, he admitted the claims that he is related to his current girlfriend Penny, “yes we are related but I didn’t know about this until recently” he admitted to Amani, an influential Tanzania blogger.
Penny on the other side says the relationship has gotten even more tighter, “yes we are related and that has strengthened my love towards Diamond, I’m so much in love such that nothing is separating us in fact we are more tight now,what has happened has happened nothing can be done about it rather than accepting and moving on, he is the best lover in the world to give up to anybody for whatsoever reason” shrugs Penny,Diamond’s girlfriend.
The shocking revelation was exposed to the public by a family member who us disgusted at the fact that the two are continuing to have a relationship and worse intercourse despite the fact of being related.
Diamond failed to comment on whether he’ll abandon the relationship or not, the girlfriend on the other end says this is not dying anytime soon.

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