Sunday 24 November 2013

Dog Needs Surgery After Eating Girl’s Homework

“The dog ate my homework.”
According to ABC News, 13-year-old Payton
Moody’s yellow Labrador, Reggie, had to be rushed
to the vet because he actually ate her homework.
Specifically, her candy-covered volcano project that
was held together by 50 straight pins. Ouch.
Reggie managed to knock Payton’s project off her
desk while the family was at a football game and
scarfed down the entire thing. After discovering
what happened, the family immediately rushed the
dog to the vet to undergo emergency surgery to
remove the pins and chocolates from his stomach. I
think they may have found the remote while they
were in there too.
Unfortunately, Payton learned the hard way that
the ol’ “dog ate my homework” excuse doesn’t
work, even when it’s true: She had to redo the
whole project.
But this tale does have a happy ending: She got an
“A.” Oh, and the dog is fine too.
The rebuild wasn’t easy either. Reggie tried to eat
the second version of the project as well. Maybe its
time to rethink that whole “dogs are smarter than
cats” thing. Also, maybe it’s time to keep your dog
away from your pin and chocolate-filled volcano!

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