Sunday 17 November 2013

7 Gentle Ways To Get A Man To Do Anything You Want

No more nagging! Kill
‘em with kindness,
bring backup, and
more foolproof ways
to get what you want.
How do you get a guy
to give you what you want? Here’s a hint: No more
nagging. Avoid fighting, complaining, shouting, tears
and pouting. Seriously; all it takes is some sweet
old-fashioned charm like only a woman could give
(we swear!). From buttering him up to leaning in
for a long kiss before you ask him to clean the
apartment, we’ve mastered the skill of getting your
guy to just about anything.
1. Don’t Fear The Damsel In Distress Act
“Whenever I want a guy to do something, I put the
sweet on and act innocent. I’ll do just about
everything except bat my eyelashes — but it works!
Even though I’m not naïve, I’ll act that way and put
a little extra sugar on everything I say and do
toward him,” says Erin.
2. Bring Backup
“My boyfriend loves surprises (even though he’d
never admit that), so I always come prepared. If I
want him to go out with me and my girlfriends one
night, or if I want him to help me clean the
apartment, I make sure to stop and pick up
something that he’ll really love — or something that
he’s been hinting that he wants. There’s no
arguments, no huffing and puffing — just a little
surprise and then he’s in my pocket,” says Lisa,
“Seriously, it doesn’t get any easier than that.”
3. Make Him Think The Idea Was His
“My mom let me in on a secret when my husband
and I first started dating. She said that the best way
to get through anything was to make him think it
was his idea. You’ve got to be coy, but whenever I
want Jed to do something,” says Hannah, “I make
sure he thinks he came up with it — even if he
knows he didn’t. The fact that I’m conceding (and
letting him think he’s won) is the best way to get
through everything.”
4. Go Old School
“Call me crazy, but I just ask nicely — like, really,
really nicely. If my guy knows that it’s important to
me, I just tell him how important it is and then I
promise to make it up to him afterward,” Tara says,
“How could a guy say no to that?”
5. Kill ‘Em With Kindness
“Oh,” says Morgan, “I make sure to butter him up
well before I ask him to do anything. So it doesn’t
look too obvious, I’ll start much earlier in the day
and just make him feel really good about himself.
Then, when he’s all buttered up, I’ll let him know
that we’re going to spend the weekend with my
parents! How could a guy get pissed at a girl who’s
just spent the whole day giving him what he
6. Lean In… For A Kiss
“There’s nothing sweeter than a long kiss before
asking for something,” Meagan jokes, “It’s kind of
my way of saying ‘Yes, I need something from you,
but I’m not gonna fight you for it.’ I think a guy can
appreciate that — and uh, who doesn’t love a hot,
steamy kiss?”
7. Give One, Get One
“I go first,” Brittany says. “I’ll make dinner for my
husband and then he’ll take the lead and clean up
— without me having to nag. Or I’ll buy him dinner
and then the next time we go out for a date, he
picks up the check. I think by seeing me take the
initiative first, he’s more likely to realize that he
wants to do something nice in return. It’s give one,
get one, but for relationships, ha!”

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