Tuesday 20 August 2013

I stand rejected ( fulfilling her wish)

Fulfilling Her Wish. I saw the picture and recognized Amina. I was happy that finally she would go to school. I cut the newspaper page and mailed it to Sis. Irene who was in a mission in Uganda. Two years later while I was in my third year in Medical school at the University of Lagos, I met her again in Zaria when I visited the centre. I was surprised to see the tremendous improvement in the place; there were more building. When In saw Amina, she was looking radiant. “Aisha,” she shouted and hugged me again and again. “You look great,” I complimented her and saw tears in her eyes. “Allah helped me,” she kept repeating. Her hair was beautifully plaited and her clothes were clean. I even perceived her perfume and smiled. I was happy she had been able to get over her situation. She took me to her room in the quarters and entertained me. “The governor and the director brought some doctors from Ethiopia to perform the corrective surgeries, I was among the first batch and was healed after the surgery,” she told me excitedly, “very soon, I will be married again and my fiancĂ© is a young man in the university,” she informed me and we laughed. When I asked her what she intended to do after her education at the Teacher’s College, she smiled and pulled me up from the bed. “ Come let me show you the classroom blocks, I already have a job waiting for me here,” she said, “I will teach here.” As we held hands and walked towards one of the many classroom blocks, memories of yester-years filled my mind. “This is your classroom block,” she announced and pointed to a building. I did not understand until I saw the big sign post hanging by the side of the building. It read Aisha Bello Block. Three classrooms were named after the three ladies that plotted the St. Theresa jingle. I smiled as I realized the honour and was even happier when I looked at the face of Amina. I was grateful that she had fulfilled her wish; she was no longer rejected.

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